Almost homoskedastic noise#
In this example we apply the Dyson Equalizer on data with Gaussian almost homoskedastic noise.
The signal X
consists of 10 strong and 10 weak components to which Gaussian noise was
added to create the data matrix Y = X + E
. The noise E
was homoskedastic everywhere with the exception of
5 rows and 5 columns, which have abnormally strong noise.
Initializing the DysonEqualizer class with the data class Y and calling compute()
Calling the plot_mp_eigenvalues_and_densities function. The option show_only_significant=1 was specified to limit the x-axis to the first non-noise eigenvalue, since the larges signal eigenvalues are large.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from dyson_equalizer.dyson_equalizer import DysonEqualizer
from dyson_equalizer.examples import generate_Y_with_almost_homoskedastic_noise
Y = generate_Y_with_almost_homoskedastic_noise()
de = DysonEqualizer(Y).compute()
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Spectrum of the data before (left) and after (right) applying the normalization of Dyson Equalizer.#
We observe that the eigenvalue spectrum of the normalized ¹⁄ₙŶŶᵀ matrix follows the theoretical Marchenko-Pastur (MP) distribution and that the MP upper edge β₊ correctly matches the rank of the signal. On the other hand, the eigenvalue spectrum of ¹⁄ₙYYᵀ contains extra eigenvalues due to the abnormal noise and the threshold β₊ would identify more than 20 significant components.
Heteroskedastic noise#
In this example we apply the Dyson Equalizer on data with Gaussian heteroskedastic noise.
The signal X
consists of 10 strong and 10 weak components to which Gaussian heteroskedastic noise was
added to create the data matrix Y
Next, we compute the Dyson Equalizer and plot the eigenvalues distributions by
Initializing the DysonEqualizer class with the data class Y and calling compute()
Calling the plot_mp_eigenvalues_and_densities function. The option show_only_significant=1 was specified to limit the x-axis to the first non-noise eigenvalue, since the larges signal eigenvalues are large.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from dyson_equalizer.dyson_equalizer import DysonEqualizer
from dyson_equalizer.examples import generate_Y_with_heteroskedastic_noise
Y = generate_Y_with_heteroskedastic_noise()
de = DysonEqualizer(Y).compute()
(Source code
, png
, hires.png
, pdf

Spectrum of the data before (left) and after (right) applying the normalization of Dyson Equalizer.#
We observe that the eigenvalue spectrum of the normalized ¹⁄ₙŶŶᵀ matrix follows the theoretical Marchenko-Pastur (MP) distribution and that the MP upper edge β₊ correctly matches the rank of the signal.