Step 1: compute a multiscale score measure for each cell of its k-nearest-neighborhood for multiple values of k. Step 2: train a logistic regression classifier based on the multiscale score measure and retain cells that may reside in DA regions.
getDAcells(X, cell.labels, labels.1, labels.2, k.vector = NULL, save.knn = F, alpha = 0, k.folds = 10, n.runs = 5, n.rand = 2, pred.thres = NULL, do.plot = T, plot.embedding = NULL, size = 0.5)
X | size N-by-p matrix, input merged dataset of interest after dimension reduction. |
cell.labels | size N character vector, labels for each input cell |
labels.1 | character vector, label name(s) that represent condition 1 |
labels.2 | character vector, label name(s) that represent condition 2 |
k.vector | vector, k values to create the score vector |
save.knn | a logical value to indicate whether to save computed kNN result, default False |
alpha | numeric, elasticnet mixing parameter passed to glmnet(), default 0 (Ridge) |
k.folds | integer, number of data splits used in the neural network, default 10 |
n.runs | integer, number of times to run the neural network to get the predictions, default 5 |
n.rand | integer, number of random permutations to run, default 2 |
pred.thres | length-2 vector, top and bottom threshold on DA measure, default NULL, select significant DA cells based on permutation |
do.plot | a logical value to indicate whether to return ggplot objects showing the results, default True |
plot.embedding | size N-by-2 matrix, 2D embedding for the cells |
size | cell size to use in the plot, default 0.5 |
a list of results
score vector for each cell
(mean) prediction from the logistic regression
index for DA cells more abundant in condition of labels.2
index for DA cells more abundant in condition of labels.1
ggplot object showing the predictions of logistic regression on plot.embedding
ggplot object highlighting cells of da.cell.idx on plot.embedding