dyson_equalizer.dyson_equalizer module#

The dyson_equalizer.dyson_equalizer module contains the class DysonEqualizer that can be used to easily compute the Dyson Equalizer.

class dyson_equalizer.dyson_equalizer.DysonEqualizer(Y: ndarray)[source]#

Bases: object

This class can be used to compute the Dyson Equalizer [1]_ and store all associated results.

Y: (m, n) numpy.ndarray

The original data matrix

x_hat: (m) numpy.ndarray

The normalizing factors for the rows

y_hat: (n) numpy.ndarray

The normalizing factors for the columns

Y_hat: (m, n) numpy.ndarray

The normalized data matrix so that the variance of the error is 1

X_bar: (m, n) numpy.ndarray

The estimated signal matrix. It has rank r_hat

r_hat: int

The estimated rank of the signal matrix

S: (m) numpy.ndarray

The principal values of the data matrix Y

S_hat: (m) numpy.ndarray

The principal values of the normalized data matrix Y_hat



Computes the Dyson Equalizer and stores the results.

plot_mp_density_Y([show_only_significant, ax])

Plots the density of eigenvalues of ¹⁄ₙYYᵀ and compares to the Marchenko-Pastur distribution


Plots the density of eigenvalues of ¹⁄ₙŶŶᵀ and compares to the Marchenko-Pastur distribution

plot_mp_eigenvalues_Y([eigenvalues_to_show, ...])

Plots the eigenvalues of ¹⁄ₙYYᵀ and compares to the Marchenko-Pastur threshold


Plots the eigenvalues of ¹⁄ₙŶŶᵀ and compares to the Marchenko-Pastur threshold


Plots the eigenvalues of ¹⁄ₙYYᵀ of ¹⁄ₙŶŶᵀ and their densities.

S: ndarray = None[source]#

The principal values of the data matrix Y

S_hat: ndarray = None[source]#

The principal values of the data matrix Y_hat

X_bar: ndarray = None[source]#

The estimated signal matrix. It has rank r_hat

Y: ndarray[source]#

The original data matrix

Y_hat: ndarray = None[source]#

The normalized data matrix so that the variance of the error is 1

compute(use_Y_hat: bool = False) Self[source]#

Computes the Dyson Equalizer and stores the results.

use_Y_hat: bool, optional

if True uses Y_hat instead of the original matrix as input. This option may be used iteratively to improve the low rank approximation in some cases


A reference to this instance

plot_mp_density_Y(show_only_significant: int = None, ax: Axes | None = None) None[source]#

Plots the density of eigenvalues of ¹⁄ₙYYᵀ and compares to the Marchenko-Pastur distribution

This function assumes the input are the eigenvalues of a covariance matrix of a random matrix whose entries have variance 1. These eigenvalues follow the Marchenko-Pastur distribution.

show_only_significant: int, optional

Set this value to show only a small number of significant eigenvalues (defaults to None) This option is useful is some of the signal eigenvalues are much bigger than the noise.

ax: plt.Axes, optional

A matplotlib Axes object. If none is provided, a new figure is created.

plot_mp_density_Y_hat(show_only_significant: int = None, ax: Axes | None = None) None[source]#

Plots the density of eigenvalues of ¹⁄ₙŶŶᵀ and compares to the Marchenko-Pastur distribution

This function assumes the input are the eigenvalues of a covariance matrix of a random matrix whose entries have variance 1. These eigenvalues follow the Marchenko-Pastur distribution.

show_only_significant: int, optional

Set this value to show only a small number of significant eigenvalues (defaults to None) This option is useful is some of the signal eigenvalues are much bigger than the noise.

ax: plt.Axes, optional

A matplotlib Axes object. If none is provided, a new figure is created.

plot_mp_eigenvalues_Y(eigenvalues_to_show: int = 100, log_y: bool = True, ax: Axes | None = None) None[source]#

Plots the eigenvalues of ¹⁄ₙYYᵀ and compares to the Marchenko-Pastur threshold

eigenvalues_to_show: int, optional

The number of eigenvalues to show in the plot (defaults to 100)

log_y: bool, optional

Whether the y-axis should be logarithmic (defaults to True)

ax: plt.Axes, optional

A matplotlib Axes object. If none is provided, a new figure is created.

plot_mp_eigenvalues_Y_hat(eigenvalues_to_show: int = 100, log_y: bool = True, ax: Axes | None = None) None[source]#

Plots the eigenvalues of ¹⁄ₙŶŶᵀ and compares to the Marchenko-Pastur threshold

eigenvalues_to_show: int, optional

The number of eigenvalues to show in the plot (defaults to 100)

log_y: bool, optional

Whether the y-axis should be logarithmic (defaults to True)

ax: plt.Axes, optional

A matplotlib Axes object. If none is provided, a new figure is created.

plot_mp_eigenvalues_and_densities(log_eigenvalues: bool = True, eigenvalues_to_show: int = 100, show_only_significant: int = 2, figsize: tuple[int, int] = (12, 8)) None[source]#

Plots the eigenvalues of ¹⁄ₙYYᵀ of ¹⁄ₙŶŶᵀ and their densities.

and compares to the Marchenko-Pastur threshold

eigenvalues_to_show: int, optional

The number of eigenvalues to show in the eigenvalue plots (defaults to 100)

log_eigenvalues: bool, optional

Whether the y-axis should be logarithmic in the eigenvalue plots (defaults to True)

show_only_significant: int = None,

Set this value to show only a small number of significant eigenvalues in the density plots This option is useful is some of the signal eigenvalues are much bigger than the noise.

figsize: int, int

The figure size

r_hat: int = None[source]#

The estimated rank of the signal matrix

x_hat: ndarray = None[source]#

The normalizing factors for the rows

y_hat: ndarray = None[source]#

The normalizing factors for the columns