dyson_equalizer.validation module#
The dyson_equalizer.validation
module provides functions to check matrixes used as input
- dyson_equalizer.validation.validate_matrix(Y) ndarray [source]#
Compute the scaling factors for the Dyson equalizer
- Parameters:
- Y: (m, n) array_like
The svd of the data matrix, computed e.g. using
numpy.linalg.svd(Y, full_matrices=False)
- Returns:
- Y: (m, n) numpy.ndarray
The input matrix as numpy array
- Raises:
- ValueError
If the input is not a matrix or if the matrix contains a row or a column with only zeros.
- dyson_equalizer.validation.validate_svd(svd) tuple[int, int] [source]#
Compute the scaling factors for the Dyson equalizer
- Parameters:
- svd:
The svd of the data matrix, computed e.g. using
numpy.linalg.svd(Y, full_matrices=False)
- Returns:
- m: int
The number of rows
- n: int
The number of columns
- Raises:
- ValueError
If the input is not a valid svd or if the dimensions of the svd are not compatible
See also